Our all-natural mulch options are perfect for your garden.


We have a large supply of mulch at Growing Concern, and it's available to our clients throughout the year. Our hardwood mulch is naturally aged, and we also have dyed mulch in rich colors. We use high-quality organic dyes so that the quality of the product is not compromised. Our mulch is always made of fresh wood products and never any recycled construction or demolition debris, shipping palettes, railroad ties, pressure-treated wood, or other pre-used wood products.

Some of our mulch options include:

  • Natural Hardwood Mulch
  • Cedar Mulch
  • Brown, Red, and Black Mulch

Growing Concern also has playground mulch in addition to our normal mulch. We do everything possible to guarantee that this mulch provides a quality play surface and meets rigorous safety regulations.

Our mulching services at Growing Concern are a great way to keep your landscape looking stunning all year long. Give us a call today!

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